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Transition from NQSALMON to SISALMONI

There has been a significant shift in the salmon market with the introduction of new price benchmarks and the entry of new players. These changes bring with them new index names and new structures and names of the companies involved in the index. In our insight article on Edge, we provide a detailed overview of these developments and their implications for the sector based on the information currently available.

NQSALMON, which for more than a decade has been the main price benchmark for fresh gutted superior salmon on the European market, was published for the last time. The price index, reported by Norwegian exporters and exporting producers, has since its start been used as underlying index in derivate traded in salmon. However, NQSALMON played a bigger role as reference price for purchases and sales of salmon in the physical market and in bilateral contracts. And finally, NQSALMON was widely used by finance institutions, government bodies, suppliers in various stages in the salmon industry supply chain and others, for various purposes which require a reliable benchmark

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